Season 2 Episode 4

Students Voice their Dress Code Concerns – All of the Above Season 2 Episode 4

Schools are quick to implement and enforce dress codes, but how do these policies impact students’ experiences at school? We begin this episode with a review of recent education news about the midterm election’s impact on education, the job vacancy crisis hitting New Mexico schools, and the big-money proxy war over the future of California schools. We then send it over to a school library for a revealing talk with students about how dress codes impact their schooling. Do dress code policies mean to “protect” students or prepare them for the workplace do more harm than good? Sure you have your opinion, but what do our actual students say?

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Episode Highlights


Jeff and Manuel examine recent headlines in education. The 2018 midterm election results bode well for education, job vacancy crisis has hit New Mexico schools hard, and a record-setting race for state superintendent of California pitted union forces against school-choice forces.


Educators often speak of the importance of student voice while simultaneously ignoring students’ voices. In an effort to invite and elevate student perspectives in our ongoing discussions about all-things education, we invited a group of dope high school students to All of the Above to share their experiences with dress codes. Nadia Elhawary, a previous Show and Tell guest, moderates the first of what will be a series of student discussions on All of the Above.