A reassessment of education today.
Education is too often relegated to the most remote corners of our news media. All of the Above is a unique show for both non-educators and educators alike to examine critical issues in education while centering the experiences of marginalized communities.
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A Joyous and Just Education for All w/ NTOY Juliana Urtubey! - AOTA Episode 90
The double-whammy of teaching amid a pandemic and being publicly slandered for alleged “indoctrination” and “grooming” has made this an especially tough school year for educators across the country. We could all use a reminder of the importance and promise of education, and who better to ground us than the phenomenally dope 2021 National Teacher of the Year, Juliana Urtubey!
Episode 91 - Recruitment and retention of educators of color w/ Mikisha Nation and James Barnett!
Mikisha Nation is the Executive Director for Teach for America’s Twin Cities region and James Barnett is the Executive Director of Teach Minnesota—one of the state's first-ever alternative teacher licensure programs which aims to increase the number of teachers of color. We talk recruitment, retention, strikes, backlash, and more!